What are the updates of version 3.0.0?

Version 3.0.0

  • New UI for admin area, customers area, and external forms
  • Improved custom fields of type date and number sort when displayed on a table
  • Improved: Make milestone modal static to prevent losing changes
  • Improved: Number to word feature for Indian numbers
  • Added additional contracts filters
  • Add client website merge field
  • Add project proposals to project settings features
  • Add tickets widgets average reply column
  • Ensure payment notification redirects to payment edit view
  • Update hook before_update_task to be triggered before any changes are saved
  • Fix payment mode update modal showing HTML code instead description
  • Fix estimate items custom fields not validated
  • Fix estimate client select not refreshed
  • Fix calendar breaks on custom themes
  • Fix shipping details not showing vat and phone
  • Fix e-signature signature not working on Safari
  • Fix new lead button not clickable on “sm” viewport
  • Fix contract marked as signed or signed show red table background
  • Fix incorrect currency when converting proposal with project
  • Fix support ticket menu not possible to hide via menu setup
  • Fix currency symbol position on leads table
  • Fix incorrect amount in payment recorded email when batch payment is recorded
  • Fix support ticket validation message locale when passing custom language
  • Fix “set password” email is not being triggered when leads are converted to client
  • Fix number to word language on PDF no respecting loaded language
  • Fix bug where download projects files return empty zip
  • Fixed Paypal popup not opening when invoice billing address does not have country
  • Fix Stripe subscription status not updated
  • Minor fixes
  • Additional hooks added

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