How to create a new knowledge base article?

New Knowledge Base Article

To create new knowledge base article from the main menu click on the item Knowledge Base then a new window will be opened and click on the top left button +New Article.

Knowledge base ang 2

  • Subject - Title of the article
  • Group – Assign article to a specific group. Eq Hosting, Domains etc…
  • Internal Article – Check this if it is an internal knowledge base article (for staff members). A staff member will be able to read the knowledge base article when connected to the admin area.
  • Disabled – Field if you need to temporarily disable this article to be shown to customers/staff.
  • Article Description – Add article description with the rich TinyMCE editor.

New Knowledge Base Article

After creating the knowledge base article, each article will have a unique slug (web link) that the user can access directly.

If you use the Arabic language, you will need to change the "slug" manually to Latin characters after the article is created (taking care not to include special characters).

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