What are the updates of version 3.0.5?

Version 3.0.5

  • Add Microsoft mail engine via OAuth 2
  • Add Google mail engine OAuth 2
  • Add php 8.2 support
  • Add Contract sign reminder feature
  • Add Inter font CSS locally
  • Add payment gateway fee calculation for chosen payment gateways
  • Add permission for contracts and proposals templates
  • Add ability to clear session table via system info
  • Automatically assign logged-in staff as a sale agent
  • Updated: Remove allow-scripts from iframe examples
  • Updated: Remember all contacts contracts and cc a contract is sent to
  • Updated: Ensure contract reminder is only sent to notified contacts
  • Updated: Ensure the task new checklist is always at the bottom
  • Updated: Google Drive picker feature
  • Ensure the subscription’s last sent date is properly updated
  • Improve user display on tables
  • Fix taxes dropdown not loaded correctly on specific servers
  • Fix batch payment modal
  • Fix hyperlink custom fields import
  • Fix the main menu height in the admin area
  • Fix num to word Indian rupee
  • Fix padding on table checkboxes
  • Fix forms tabs not responsive
  • Fix TinyMCE not loading properly Norwegian language
  • Fix: 2factor auth is disabled when the staff profile is updated
  • Fix terms and policy links not opening in the form’s iframe
  • Fix warning when viewing a new empty contract
  • Fix template content not inserted properly
  • Fix theme style not applied to todo/notification icons.
  • Fix leads kanban tags search
  • Fix sidebar toggle not working on iPad

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