Creating mailing lists
After you added the survey a new column will be shown. This is the part where you can send the survey.
You need to select particular mail list for this survey. You can also select multiple mail...
Sending surveys
To send a survey to mail lists, navigate to the survey edit area and on the right side, click on the tab Send Survey
Viewing survey results
When you hover over a survey in the list, several options appear at the bottom of that survey.
To access the survey result, click on View Results.
With Radius CRM you can add new questions in a very simple way.
After creating the survey on the right side you will be able to add questions.
Click on the button Insert Field and a dropdown will be opened you ...
Navigate the the aside menu Utilities and click Surveys – > New Survey.
If you want to include custom fields in your email template from particular mail list you will need to add it manually to the email template content.
Sending survey to mail lists
If you are sending survey to custom added mail lists, only